Industrial design,
everyday objects
beautiful and functional.
This is what we do
and we do it well.
Industrial design,
everyday objects
beautiful and functional.
This is what we do
and we do it well.
Industrial design,
everyday objects
beautiful and functional.
This is what we do
and we do it well.
Industrial design,
everyday objects
beautiful and functional.
This is what we do
and we do it well.


Otoprojekt is a industrial design studio located in the heart of Kraków. In our studio we transform ideas into a tangible reality, help our clients to bring elegant, smart user experiences and beautiful designs to the market. We get involved in every aspect of an object’s development, at each stage of its creation.

This process involves creating design concepts, CAD models, visualisations and prototypes. The last stage is to draw up technical documentation for the implementation of the new design in production.

We also design other elements related to the new product such as packaging design and visual identity.

We work with professional photographers to present the new design, as well as creating promotional materials and designs. We also prepare drawings for submission to the Patent Office.

The implementation of new designs is like travel. As your guide, we will lead you through the whole process, starting with concept sketches and ending with the final product. And we are eager to help you every step of the way!



Our greatest passion is designing everyday objects. When we spot a product we’ve designed being used in real life, it brings us great satisfaction. That’s when the memories come flooding back, beginning with the first sketch, mockups, 3D modeling, prototyping, testing and then the final product - the result of our work.

Then we are content, knowing that our design is really making someone's life easier, and is aesthetically pleasing as well. 


The goal of our design philosophy is determined by the user and his needs. We use the Design Thinking methods developed by IDEO San Francisco, taking into consideration the nature and complexity of the design. Before starting work we have workshop meetings where, together with the client, we identify our goals, focusing on the cost of implementation, the market and business potential of the new product, and other factors.

When designing everyday objects, we aim to improve the interaction between the end user and the product in accordance with the principles of ergonomics and functionality.

But... each project needs an individual approach so we tailor our process to client's individual expectations. Our goal is to develop designs that are realistic to manufacture and have a great potential to become successful on the market.


  • 01

    people context

  • 02

    evolving insights
    as design ideas

  • 03

    Expressing ideas
    in visible form,
    testing and improving them

  • 04

    in final form


It’s often said that "The devil is in the details", and this is quite true. We pay attention to every feature of the product. From the quality of the material to whether the surface is smooth or matte, we perceive the product in a special way; it arouses certain emotions in us.

When we hold an item in our hands, it conjures up specific associations. We immediately know whether we like it, whether it is exclusive, durable, fits well in the hand, or whether it is carefully designed with attention to every element.

That’s why we care so much about the details! 


Each project is priced individually, taking into account several variables such as the nature of the project, its destination market, the investor's production facilities and the planned production scale.

We always prepare the offer free of charge. For a free quote regarding your project, please contact us at


Nasz zespół to grupa kreatywnych specjalistów, których umiejętności uzupełniają się wzajemnie na każdym etapie projektowym.
Najważniejszą jednak cechą łączącą nas jest pasja, duża ciekawość świata, otwartość mna nowe rozwiązania i wychodzenie poza utarte schematy. I przede wszystkim ogromna mprzyjemność z projektowania.

Korzystamy z narzędzi metody Design Thinking prowadząc
Inwestora przez cały proces projektowy rozpoczynając od rospoznania potrzeb,
strategii wzorniczej, po szkice, wizualizacje, prototypowanie aż po moment, kiedy produkt pojawia się w sprzedaży.



Od najmłodszych lat zafascynowana sztuką i kreacją. Naturalnym więc sposobem na spędzanie wolnego czasu okazywała się wszelka twórczość i eksperymentowanie z materią i inżynierią.

W ramach stypendium naukowego studiowała na wydziale Interaction & Product Design, w Designskolen Kolding w Danii oraz na Wydziale Form Przemysłowych Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie. Jeszcze w trakcie studiów pracowała dla wieokrotnie nagradzanego studia projektowego Design-People w Aarhus (Dania), gdzie zdobywała doświadczenie projektując dla takich Marek jak Louis Poulsen czy Danfoss. Realizowała też projekty z zakresu aranżacji wnętrz – dla przestrzeni biurowych w Nowym Jorku czy w Zurychu. Od 2013 współzałożycielka Otoprojekt Design Studio. Od 2023 prowadzi autorskie studio projektowe, gdzie realizuje projekty na rynek polski i międzynarodowy.